Wednesday, 5 December 2012


In Week 4, we were asked to create a visual of our Personal Learning Environment (PLE). Eight weeks later and I have seen a significant change in my PLE. My final PLE has been divided up into five categories for easier reading and they include: publication, networking, collaboration, researching information and communication. It’s important to note that some of these tools have multiple affordances and could be placed in a number of other categories. After comparing my two assignments, I am rather surprised to learn that I have added 12 new tools to my PLE.
Also, I want to make note that my final assignment was completed in Visio. This program was installed on my computer nearly six months ago and I never got around to learning the program until now. After watching a few YouTube videos on how to use the program, I was able to create my assignment very quickly and efficiently.
I am very thankful for the Emerging Technologies course because I have learnt a significant amount about the online tools available to assist me in both my personal and professional life. Prior to this course, I was not interested in learning about the latest technologies mostly because I was overwhelmed and didn’t know where to start. However, after twelve weeks this course has provided me with the courage and inspiration to continue to explore new tools. Thanks

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Week 12: Networked Learning

Prior to this course, my idea of networked learning would have included acquiring knowledge from co-workers, friends and family, along with more formal means such as research journals, media, etc. However, this course has greatly expanded my idea of networked learning. The availability and ease of use for a wide variety of online tools has provided me with a newer and sometimes more efficient means of acquiring new knowledge. This course has increased my desire to continually learn about the emerging technologies available.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Week 4: Personal Learning Environment

Engaging with the Network (Week 10)

 I have not been an active participant on any of the blogs that I have subscribed to on my Google reader account because I’m still uncertain whether I can add value and if I could bring much value to other readers. However, I have learned significantly about some of the current events and topics facing the food processing industry. I intend to frequent these blogs as I think it will be greatly beneficial to my job and my continuous learning. I will have the ability to stay on top of things in an efficient manner. To date, this tool is the most beneficial one that I have learnt about and will use. I intend to tell my co-workers about it as well.